FECH is a space for students to unite and address challenges, driving national educational change.
The Students Forum is a space for students to unite and address challenges, driving national educational change.
FECH is a space for students to unite and address challenges, driving national educational change.
FECH is a space for students to unite and address challenges, driving national educational change.
Stay tuned as we count down to our next big event, where your voices and ideas will shape the future of our community. Join us in making a difference!
Empowering students to speak up and make a difference.
Promoting academic integrity and high standards in education.
Enhancing higher education through accessible, efficient digital advancements.
Fostering openness and responsible governance in higher education institutions.
Përkundër që të gjithë jemi koshient për vështirësitë me të cilat përballemi ne studentë në Maqedoninë e Veriut, duke filluar nga mos pasja e kushteve
Се викам Мила Коруновска, студирам на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ во Скопје и за брзо ќе ја завршам мојата четврта година. На факултет одам секој
Gjersa po i afrohem përfundimit të vitit tim të fundit të shkollës së mesme në Maqedoninë e Veriut, pesha e zgjedhjes së universitetit të duhur
Градби кои се распаѓаат, покриви кои пропуштаат дожд (кој потоа хигиеничарките го собираат во кофи, секако во дослух со врвните технолошки достигнувања и деновиве актуелната
The vision of FECH is to be leaders in the processes of reforms and modernization of higher education institutions in North Macedonia through personal commitment and activism and by convening and leveraging expertise, professional capacity, and uncompromising commitment to re-imagining education.
The aim of Student Forum is to provide a platform for students and their structures to discuss their challenges and unify their voice through the platform of National Students Body. We strive to empower and unite the student community. Join us in shaping the future of education and advocating for positive change on a national scale. Your voice matters!
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