The Story Behind Student Forum

What We Do

Students Forum is part of the project “Promoting Youth Engagement in Accountability of Public Institutions” Implemented by Forum for Educational Change and funded by th eNational Endowment for Democracy. With Students Forum we try to empower students by offering a dynamic and inclusive platform where they can openly discuss, confront, and triumph over the obstacles encountered on their academic journey.

Our Mission

The mission of the Students Forum is to empower students by offering a dynamic and inclusive platform where they can openly discuss, confront, and triumph over the obstacles encountered on their academic journey. Through constructive dialogues, sharing valuable insights, and fostering collaborative endeavors, we aim to cultivate a robust sense of community and advocate for positive transformations within the education system. As a pivotal event, student representatives from across North Macedonia will convene for a concentrated two-day period, engaging in profound discussions, pooling innovative ideas, and nurturing significant relationships, all geared towards effectively tackling the issues at the forefront of their academic experiences.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a united and empowered student community in North Macedonia, where the Students Forum serves as a catalyst for change. We aspire to cultivate an environment where students collaboratively envision and implement solutions for the challenges
within the education system.

Our Accomplishments

What We Have Achieved?

Students Forum is part of the project “Promoting Youth Engagement in Accountability of Public Institutions” Implemented by Forum for Educational Change and funded by th eNational Endowment for Democracy. With Students Forum we try to empower students by offering a dynamic and inclusive platform where they can openly discuss, confront, and triumph over the obstacles encountered on their academic journey.


National Students Body

The National Students Body (NSB) serves as a collaborative platform uniting the Student Assemblies of five prominent public universities in the Republic of North Macedonia. Our core mission revolves around advocating the outcomes, resolutions, and policy briefs ratified during the Students’ Forum. Members of the National Students Body are the Presidents of the Students Assemblies of five public universities that will be in charge of interacting with policymakers, university representatives, and other stakeholders to make sure that student voices are heard and their needs are met.

Students Parliaments









University Student Assembly UKIM


The University Student Assembly at UKIM is a body of the University, which is made up of student representatives at university level. The USS protects the interests of the students, participates in the decision-making process of the organs and bodies of the university and represents the students within the framework of Higher Education as members of the academic community. In addition to members in the Senate, USS also elects a Student Ombudsman who directly joins the fight for a better academic community. The current president of USS, UKIM is Aleksandar Nikolovski, a postgraduate student at the Faculty of Economics at UKIM.

Aleksandar Nikolovski

Aleksandar Nikolovski


Master's student in the department of Monetary Economics, Finance and Banking - prone to constant self-improvement and improvement of the surrounding environment. Former president of the Faculty Student Assembly at the Faculty of Economics, financial associate and educator, active athlete, lover of reading, gardening and cooking. The recognition as a Student of the generation, the state awards and the high academic average (9.84) prove my ambition for growth and success. My key skills are organizing work tasks, finance skills and sharing knowledge.

This website is supported and funded by the National Endowment for Democracy and European Endowment for Democracy. This website reflects the views only of the author, and neither the National Endowment for Democracy can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein .