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Open Call for Research Experts on Hidden Fees in Higher Education

Open Call for Research Experts on Hidden Fees in Higher Education

Forum for Educational Change opens a call to invite qualified research experts or vendors to execute the research on the hidden fees in higher education as part of the “Beyond Activismproject financed by European Endowment for Democracy. This research aims to outline the real costs of the students’ life in North Macedonia. 

Scope of work: 

The selected expert will be responsible for carrying out a comprehensive research, analysis on the hidden fees in higher education. The scope of work will include, but is not limited to:

  • Identifying and cataloging various types of hidden fees charged by Universities 
  • Investigating the rationale behind the imposition of hidden fees.
  • Assessing the financial burden of hidden fees on students and their families.
  • Analyzing the impact of hidden fees on student retention and graduation rates.

Interested candidates/vendors are invited to submit the following documents to [fech.mk@gmail.com] by [30th September 2023]:

  • A detailed project plan outlining the research methodology, timeline, and deliverables.
  • An overview of relevant experience and qualifications of the proposing individual or team (CV) 
  • A clear budget proposal, including a breakdown of fees and anticipated expenses.
  • Samples of previous research work or publications, if available (portfolio)

More information you can find on the Request for Proposal: RfP for Research Expert