Category: EN

  • Центар за Младински Активизам: Просториите и правилата за користење

    Центар за Младински Активизам: Просториите и правилата за користење

    Просторите на Центарот за младински активизам кој функционира во рамките на Форумот за Образовни Промени се достапни за сите поединци, невладини организации и неформални групи за организирање настани како семинари, обуки, работилници и слично. Собранието на ФОП ја усвои правилникот за користење на просториите, и тоа: Корисниците на просторите мора да ги остават чист и…

  • Qendra për Aktivizëm Rinor: Hapësirat dhe rregullat e shfrytëzimit

    Qendra për Aktivizëm Rinor: Hapësirat dhe rregullat e shfrytëzimit

    Hapësirat e Qendrës për Aktivizëm Rinor e cila funksionon në kuadër të Forumit për Ndryshime në Arsim janë të disponueshme për të gjithë individët, organizatat joqeveritare dhe grupet jo-formale për të organizuar ngjarje si seminare, trajnime, punëtori dhe ngjashëm. Kuvendi i FNA-së miratoi rregulloren e shfrytëzimit të hapësirave, edhe atë: Përdoruesit e hapësirës duhet ta…

  • Open Call for CreActive Social Activism Academy

    Open Call for CreActive Social Activism Academy

    Forum for Educational Change invites motivated young individuals aged 18-24 to participate in the CreActive Academy for Social Activism that will be held on 20-23 September 2024, in Mavrovo.  This distinguished program provides participants with a unique opportunity to deepen their understanding of youth participation and civic engagement. Participants will acquire practical strategies to become effective youth…

  • Open Call for School of Youth Activism

    Open Call for School of Youth Activism

    The Forum for Educational Change in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung – Skopje Office, invites young people aged 17-23 from Tetovo to participate in the School of Youth Activism. This dynamic program will be conducted in two modules: the first on June 19-20 and the second on June 26-27, at the Youth Activism Center in…

  • 2nd consecutive meeting of the National Student Body

    2nd consecutive meeting of the National Student Body

    The establishment of the National Student Body is one of the most vital student initiatives in recent years. Since November 2022, the Forum for Educational Change has had the privilege of facilitating this initiative, engaging in numerous meetings with student representatives from diverse backgrounds. Our collective aim has been to establish a unified platform that…