Daily Archives: November 25, 2023

Бојан Кордалов беше еден од тренерите во обуката #StrongerStudentsUnionво Велес. Бојан е комуниколог и активист, што учесниците ги обучуваше за важноста на комуникацијата при застапувањето на студентските права. #NED

Arianit Xhaferi është bashkëudhëtarë i Forumit për Ndryshime në Arsim në rrugën drejt fuqizimit të kuvendeve studentore në Maqedoninë e Veriut. Për tre ditë në Veles, ai i trajnoi anëtarët e pesë kuvendeve studetore për avokimin dhe format e adresimit të problemeve. #StrongerStudentsUnion#NED

This weekend, we were in Ohrid for the second module of the #StrongerStudentsUnion with members of student parliaments from five universities in North Macedonia. Through presenting concrete examples – these activists and members of student parliaments now know every step from identifying to addressing corruption in Higher Education. This is just a small step towards the marathon journey of the Forum for Educational Changes for stronger student structures! National Students’ Body? Maybe! #NED

After successfully completing the two training modules of #StrongerStudentsUnion, Forum for Educational Changes announces the establishment of a National Student Body . To have a better understanding about the topic, we invite you to watch the discussion we had with Viktorija Postolovska, the project cordinator, today at 15:00!
